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Expected Results

Main results to be achieved by the project activities:

The results to be achieved by i9Kiwi have a strong component of innovation and internationalization through the development and introduction of new products on the market as well as through the implementation of new processes.

i9Kiw thus aims to respond to existing and transversal gaps in the kiwifruit industry, through the dissemination and demonstration of processes and products aimed at minimizing the risk of Psa dispersion and mitigation of its effects, identifying actinid varieties adapted to regional soil and climate conditions, selected through their best productive performance and resistance/tolerance to Psa, and increasing productivity by obtaining quality pollen and more efficient application methods.

95% of the kiwifruit chain is represented in i9Kiwi so the results obtained will be widely disseminated. As the consortium is composed of more than 50% SMEs, the results will have a real impact on the increase of productivity and the reduction of production costs.

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