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Overview of the Operational Group

The production of kiwifruit (Actinidia sp.) is an important economic activity in several countries, having shown a worldwide expansion in recent years. In Portugal, it was from the 1990’s that the production of kiwifruit started to develop thanks to the commercial value of the fruit associated with low production costs. Investments have increased in recent years, translating into a notable increase in exports, having reached a maximum value of 13 kton in 2013, equivalent to 11 M€. Although strong investments continue, with the production area having increased by 1/3 in the last years, productivity has decreased, with infection by the Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) bacteria being the main culprit.

I9Kiwi aims to improve the country’s competitiveness focusing exclusively on primary production activities in the kiwifruit sector through various types of innovation, including product and process innovation. I9Kiwi gathers the necessary skills to fill evident gaps in the phytosanitary sector and in the quality and diversity of cultivars and pollen, associated to high production costs.

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